by dpa | 27.Aug 2024 | Europe in brief
Based on scientific analysis by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the European Commission is concerned about the poor state of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea and the environmental threats they face.
by AFP, ANSA, dpa, EFE, HINA | 07.Apr 2023 | Key Stories
The European Commission has recently presented an action plan for more sustainable fisheries. The aim is to ban fishing with bottom trawls in protected marine areas by 2030 at the latest. This caused strong opposition from some member states, which might lead to a watering down of the plan.
by AFP, Belga, BTA, dpa | 04.Apr 2023 | Europe in brief
A French sailing vessel from the Tara Foundation studies the impact of pollution on biodiversity along the European coast. German Agriculture Minister Özdemir campaigns against an EU ban on bottom trawl fishing. The European Parliament endorsed an agreement on salary transparency for companies.