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The membership of Albania in the European Union is a transformative process for the entire society, meaning that the Albanian government, parliament, and civil society must work closely together.

The National Council of European Integration gathered in Tirana to discuss the progress of the negotiation process and the need for more involvement of Albanian society.

EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato welcomed the progress made by Albania in negotiations and the importance of aligning Albanian laws with EU standards in all areas.

“As the EU membership process accelerates, it is even more important for the government to establish effective mechanisms to communicate, consult, and consider the views and interests of civil society, business, and other societal actors. This is not only a matter of transparency, accountability, but also access to the right expertise,” said EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato.

The Chairperson of the National Council of European Integration, opposition Democratic Party MP, Jorida Tabaku stated that the country is at a decisive moment in the negotiation process with the EU, as elections are approaching and Albania is on the brink of opening negotiations with four cluster chapters.

Commenting on integration progress, Tabaku emphasized that Albania should not boast about opening chapters but should focus on successfully closing them.

The meeting also focused on EU rules for combating discrimination and promoting equality, in the presence of Robert Gajda, Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination.

The EU will continue to address discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation, and will support actors working in this field. (March 12)