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Skopje – We regretfully note that our neighbor is once again trying to shift the responsibility for not fulfilling their international obligations onto our state, emphasizes the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to yesterday’s reaction of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the statements of Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski.

– We emphasize that respecting and implementing the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) are not bilateral issues, but a mandatory obligation of every member state of the Council of Europe. The Republic of North Macedonia remains fully committed to the rule of law and the respect for human rights and freedoms as fundamental values of European integration, and cannot accept their denial or relativization, including when it comes to the rights of members of the Macedonian minority in the Republic of Bulgaria, states the response from the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry also stresses that the Republic of North Macedonia is fully committed to the process of European integration, believing that this process should not be abused by introducing additional political conditions that are not part of the Copenhagen criteria.

– The policy of conditioning and unfounded accusations is an unprincipled obstacle on the Euro-integration path of our state and does not contribute to building good neighborly relations, but on the contrary, creates unnecessary tensions that do not correspond to the European spirit of cooperation, assesses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the reaction.

It is emphasized that the Macedonian authorities are strongly committed to developing friendly relations between the two countries and resolving all open questions through an equal dialogue, responsible behavior, mutual respect, and understanding.

– In this regard, we expect an equally constructive approach from the Republic of Bulgaria, based on full respect for the goals and principles of the UN Charter and the rules of international law, because it is in the interest of our citizens, in the interest of both countries and in favor of strengthening regional peace, stability, security, and the common European perspective, states the announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia. (March 13)