Sarajevo, (Fena) – The Council of Ministers of BiH unanimously adopted and will submit to the European Commission the Economic Reform Program of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PER BiH) for the period 2025 – 2027, which was prepared by the Directorate for Economic Planning with the consent of coordinators of all levels of government in BiH and with an additional conclusion at the session.
The Economic Reform Program of BiH represents a strategic document for the coordination and planning of economic policies, managing reforms crucial for improving competitiveness, encouraging opportunities for new jobs and social inclusion, as well as for meeting economic criteria in the pre-accession process, according to the Council of Ministers of BiH.
The program is prepared according to the Guidelines of the European Commission and is one of the key documents in the economic dialogue with the European Union (EU) in the process of accession and achieving a functional market economy.
PER BiH 2025-2027 in one of the chapters contains structural reforms focused on competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience, as well as human capital and social policies.
At the same time, it provides projections of the average rate of economic growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 2025 – 2027 of about 3% per year, and the growth is based on domestic demand through increased private consumption and investments. (19.03)