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Bratislava – Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is already in home nursing care. The Roosevelt Hospital in Banská Bystrica, where Fico was hospitalized, informed about it on the social network.

“Therefore, I would like to sincerely thank him personally, because he was a disciplined patient, to our team of great healthcare workers for the excellent work, to all the armed forces for their professional approach, and to all the people for the strong positive energy they sent us,” said hospital director Miriam Lapuníková.

On Thursday (May 30), the Prime Minister underwent further follow-up examinations at the Roosevelt Hospital in Banská Bystrica, which confirmed the positive development of his health condition after the attack. The process of his rehabilitation has also started these days. According to the hospital, it will be physically and time-consuming.

“I think that the Prime Minister still has a lot of space for rehabilitation, which will not be easy and will really be lengthy. I want to wish him a lot of strength to get through it,” Lapuníková concluded.

The hospital director also appreciated the professionalism of the staff and healthcare workers, who managed to carry out three liver transplants during the Prime Minister’s hospitalization. “At the same time, comprehensive care was provided to one patient, where our ECMO team ensured all necessary procedures to save another human life,” added Lapuníková.

It will take several months for Fico to be able to fully perform his function again after the attack. Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanár said this on Friday. He informed his colleagues from NATO member countries about the health condition of the Slovak government head, who met for a meeting in Prague on Thursday (May 30) and Friday.

According to Blanár, the foreign ministers expressed their solidarity with Fico and Slovakia during both days, for which he thanked them. “At the same time, since they were very curious about his health condition, I informed them that his condition is, thank God, improving, but that it will still take several months before he can fully engage in his function,” the minister said. (May 31)