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This article has been translated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The news agency is not responsible for the content of the translated article. The original was published by AFP.

Paris – “Europe was born thanks to France, it should not die because of France,” where the far right is given victory in Sunday’s European elections, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said Thursday on television, on the sidelines of the 80th anniversary of the Landing.

“That’s the message that would be sent if France sent the first battalion of anti-Europe far-right deputies to the European Parliament,” added the Prime Minister on France 2 from Utah Beach.

“I don’t want the face of France in Europe to change from that of Simone Veil (former president of the European Parliament, ed.) to that of Marine Le Pen,” he insisted.

“The lesson of what happened here, on the Landing beaches, is that unity makes strength,” continued the head of government, before mentioning the EU’s support to Ukraine: “We do it because they are fighting for values that we defend, freedom, democracy…” (06.06.2024)