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Gütersloh – The 14- to 27-year-olds in Germany are considerably more likely than average to want Germany or the European Union to take on more leadership in the world. While 47 percent of the general population believe Germany should play a larger role in the world, 54 percent of young people in the country say this.

Looking at the EU, 56 percent of all respondents share this opinion, while among the 14- to 27-year-olds, nearly two-thirds (64 percent) demand this. These figures come from the Liz Mohn Foundation, which were released today on International Youth Day. The Liz Mohn Foundation is part of the Bertelsmann Foundation, headquartered in Gütersloh.

When it comes to the question of more decision-making rights for the EU to be transferred by the member states, there are significantly more supporters among younger people. 54 percent of the 14- to 27-year-olds are in favor. In the general population, it is only 44 percent. (August 12)