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Strasbourg – Migrants who receive asylum in Hungary and want to come to Brussels will be helped by the Hungarian authorities. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said this on Tuesday during a press conference in the European Parliament. In September, it was still said that Hungary would put asylum seekers on a bus towards Brussels.

A month ago, there was an outraged reaction to the threat from Hungary. The Hungarian government would “voluntarily and free of charge offer illegal migrants a one-way ticket to Brussels,” it said then. Prime Minister Orban has now made it clear that the soup will not be eaten so hot.

“This will happen,” Orban nevertheless answered a question about the threat. But it no longer appears to be about people without residence papers. “Of course we will respect the European rules and regulations, but if someone who receives asylum in Hungary wants to come to Brussels, we will help that person,” he nuanced the whole matter.

Due to its strict asylum policy – for which it has already been condemned several times by the European Court of Justice – Hungary receives few asylum seekers at the door. Figures from the European Asylum Agency (EUAA) show that in the first six months of this year, exactly thirteen asylum applications were submitted in the country. A positive decision was taken in seven cases.
