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Paris – Emmanuel Macron pleaded Tuesday evening with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council, for the “rapid implementation” of the recommendations of the Draghi report on the relaunch of the European economy.

The former Italian Prime Minister notably recommends the issuance of new common debts to better finance innovation, the green transition, and defense in Europe.

The French president emphasized “the importance of fully and quickly implementing the recommendations of this report on the future of Europe’s competitiveness,” the Elysee said Wednesday.

The informal European Council meeting to be held on November 8 in Budapest will be dedicated to European competitiveness issues.

Mr. Macron and Mr. Orban also discussed European support for Ukraine and security and defense issues.

Hungary refuses to unblock aid of more than 6.5 billion euros to Ukraine, which transits through an ad hoc fund, the European Peace Facility. (October 23, 2024)