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Strasbourg – The political group of liberals in the European Parliament (Renew), which has been assigned the position of the permanent rapporteur of the parliament for Montenegro in the negotiations between political groups, has appointed the Slovenian MEP Marjan Šarec to this position. Upon his appointment, Šarec emphasized that Montenegro’s accession to the EU is of strategic importance.

The permanent rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro is responsible for monitoring the country’s progress in the EU accession process and reporting on it with an annual report. In doing so, he cooperates with all key stakeholders in the process.

“In the upcoming period, it will be crucial for us as the European Parliament to ensure that the enlargement process proceeds in accordance with the EU’s values and rules, aiming for a fair, transparent process focused on achieving common objectives,” Šarec believes.

According to him, Montenegro should be provided with appropriate support in its efforts to meet the membership criteria. He also pointed out that the country’s accession to the EU is of strategic importance, as it will contribute to political, economic, and security benefits for both sides.

Montenegro, which declared its independence in June 2006, submitted its application for EU membership at the end of 2008, and began negotiations in 2012. After several years of stagnation, it entered the final phase of accession negotiations at the end of June this year, during which remaining negotiating chapters will be closed. Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajić has committed to ensuring that Montenegro becomes the 28th EU member state by 2028 at the latest. (October 24)
