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Nova Gorica – The project to revive the European Square as part of the European Capital of Culture 2025 (EPK 2025), shared by the Slovenian Nova Gorica and the Italian Gorizia, has received the green light for European co-financing, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Space announced on Friday. The value of the co-financing amounts to 1.53 million euros, of which the European Union will contribute 765,200 euros from the European Regional Development Fund, with the remainder coming from Slovenia.

The Europa Square will be one of the central venues of the European Capital of Culture 2025, represented by both Goricas, and spans the border between the two cities. The goal of the project, in which more than 4000 square meters of underutilized, degraded areas will be redeveloped, is to arrange the area between the two Goricas and to create a cross-border public space. The area is expected to connect the two urban entities by creating a physical and symbolic space to promote broader intercultural cooperation, and improved urban spaces will be acquired to enable the implementation of programs in the public interest, EPK programs, and other events, as stated by the ministry.

Europe Square/Piazza Transalpina on the national border between Slovenia and Italy in front of the railway station was jointly arranged by Nova Gorica and Gorizia already in 2004, when Slovenia became a member of the EU. During the ceremony on the eve of May 1, the then President of the European Commission Romano Prodi and the then Prime Minister Anton Rop addressed those gathered at the square, making it an all-European symbol of connection and integration. (October 28)
