Madrid – 55% of Spaniards believe that more should be spent on defense in the European Union at a time when the war in Ukraine and the international situation constitute two of their main concerns in the European sphere, according to the latest autumn Eurobarometer, presented this Wednesday.
According to this survey, 19% of Spaniards say they are “totally in agreement” and 36% are “somewhat in agreement” that more should be invested in defense in the EU. In total, supporters of this option are 55%, a figure nine points lower than the European average, which stands at 64%.
Furthermore, 76% of those surveyed are in favor of increasing cooperation between member states on defense matters, a figure close to the European average of 78%.
This interest in increasing defense spending aligns with the main concerns of Spaniards in the European sphere. Thus, the war in Ukraine and the international situation, including the intensification of the conflict in the Middle East, appear as the first concern for 27%, only behind immigration (34%).
Even so, this issue is not seen by Spaniards as one of the most important to which the EU should allocate its budget. Respondents consider it more necessary to focus on employment, social services, and public health (62%); education, training, culture, and media (50%); and funding for scientific research and innovation (34%).
The area of security and defense is relegated by Spaniards to the eighth position in the ranking, with 14%. This figure is well below the EU average, which is 35%, making this area the second priority for Europeans, behind employment (62%).
On the other hand, the Eurobarometer indicates that 84% of Spaniards believe that member states should jointly purchase energy from other countries to obtain a better price, a percentage higher than the European average of 79%. (December 11)