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Brussels – The State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture Eva Knez, in her initial reaction at the EU Agriculture Ministers’ meeting in Brussels, welcomed the EU’s vision for agriculture and food presented recently by the European Commission. The professional services are still examining the vision.

The European Commission presented to the agriculture ministers the key elements of its recently released vision for agriculture and food, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the EU agricultural sector and at the same time making it more attractive to young people. In Brussels, they announced the simplification of existing EU rules, and agricultural policy in the upcoming multiannual budget will also be simpler and more targeted.

State Secretary Knez, in her preliminary response, as the document is still being studied by professional services, said that Slovenia welcomes the vision that defines agriculture and the food sector as a strategic pillar of the EU and highlights the importance of farmers for society.

According to her, “a stable and predictable framework is crucial, enabling holistic and sustainable development while simultaneously allowing flexibility to adapt to national specificities, with solutions needing to equally address economic, environmental, and social challenges.”

Knez highlighted ensuring fair payment to farmers, maintaining adequate funding, and clarity regarding the impact of changes on the common agricultural policy. She also pointed out the aspect of sufficient budgetary provisions for the common agricultural policy, which is part of the negotiations for the upcoming multiannual financial framework. (February 25)