Paris – “I share the ideas of those who say: +in such dangerous circumstances, military spending needs to be excluded from European deficit rules+,” confirmed French Prime Minister François Bayrou in an interview with Le Figaro published Thursday evening.
“Our country made efforts that others did not, by building its defense industrial apparatus. It’s a considerable asset,” added M. Bayrou.
The Stability and Growth Pact that binds the eurozone countries requires limiting the public deficit to 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP), except in exceptional circumstances.
France chronically struggles to comply with it and is subject to a procedure for excessive deficits, which may lead to European sanctions if it does not return to compliance within the given time frame.
After a public deficit expected around 6% of GDP in 2024, François Bayrou aims for 5.4% in 2025. (February 27, 2025)