In Tirana, the conference of the Parliamentary Committees on European Integration/European Affairs of the Participant States in the Stabilization and Association Process of Southeastern Europe was held.
In this meeting, which is convened under the Albanian presidency, parliamentary delegations from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Turkey participated, while delegations from Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia were also invited.
The Chairwoman of the Committee of the Albanian Assembly for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jorida Tabaku, as the organizer, stated that integration into the European Union in Albania is a common goal of all political forces, while expressing the opposition’s readiness and commitment for this process to continue.
The Chairwoman of the Albanian Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, emphasized that popular support for EU membership in Albania is greater than in any other candidate country.
“Albania has no plan B, but only a plan A for its future, which is the EU,” said Spiropali.
“Albania has currently declared EU membership by 2030 as a national strategic objective,” said Spiropali, adding that “we aim to complete the negotiation process by 2027.”
Attending the conference, the Charge d’Affaires of the European Union Delegation, André Rizzo, focused on the EU’s enlargement plan for the Western Balkans, emphasizing that this plan brings benefits to the region.
“Continuity in full compliance with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, as is the case of Albania, should be a common objective. In a rapidly changing complex geopolitical context, our union, of all our countries facing challenges and crises, is very important, and these crises can be Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine or climate changes,” Rizzo emphasized. (February 28)