Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
EU Commissioner Michael McGrath in Budapest
Budapestmeets Bence Tuzson, Minister for Justice of Hungary; meets János Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs; meets Csabát Pecsenye, President of the National Judicial Council of Hungary; meets András Zsolt Varga, President of the Supreme Court of Hungary (march 24); meets with civil society organisations (march 25).
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Strasbourg , Franceagenda
EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Brusselsagenda livestream
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić
Brusselstogether with President of the European Council António Costa.
EU Commissioner Marta Kos meets Slovenian National Council
Ljubljana , SloveniaEU Commissioner Piotr Serafin in Zagreb
Zagreb , Croatie (Nom local : Hrvatska)meets Mr Andrej Plenković, Prime Minister of Croatia; meets with the European Affairs and Finance and Central Budget Committees of the national Parliament; visits the Croatian Natural History Museum.
EU Commissioner Christophe Hansen in Rome
Rome , Italymeets with Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests of Italy; participates in the Conference “L'agricoltura è”; visits Villaggio agricolo; meets with Mr Antonio Tajani, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy.
European Economic and Social Committee Plenary Session
Brusselsagenda livestream
EU Environment Council
Brusselsagenda livestream
EU General Affairs Council (Cohesion)
Brusselsagenda livestream