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Bratislava – By the end of 2024, the European Commission (EC) led 67 legal proceedings against the Slovak Republic, particularly in connection with the incorrect transposition or application of legally binding acts of the European Union (EU). This follows from the annual report on Slovakia’s membership in the EU for the year 2024, which the government approved on Wednesday, reports TASR.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) of the Slovak Republic as the author of the report specified that out of the total number of proceedings, 27 were conducted due to the failure to notify transposition measures for EU directives, 14 due to incorrect or incomplete transposition of directives, 18 for incorrect application of EU law, and eight proceedings were conducted for other reasons.

Compared to 2023, eight more proceedings were conducted against Slovakia.

“The Slovak Republic is among the states with a higher number of infringement proceedings conducted under articles 258 – 260 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,” the ministry noted in its statement. (March 5).