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Skopje – The Ministry of Health today marked the completion of the two-year project “Implementation of the Health Strategy 2021-2030”, conducted in partnership and with financial support from the Delegation of the European Union in Skopje.

The aim of the Project, which started in September 2022, is to turn the Strategy into concrete measures and activities to improve citizens’ healthcare and to build a more efficient, humane, and accessible healthcare system. The Project was also a key mechanism for finding concrete solutions and guidelines aligned with European Union legislation.

– The Strategy defines the path and vision for health, while the project made this vision a reality through specific recommendations and applicable solutions. We laid the foundations for sustainable and long-term changes in the health system, said the Minister of Health Arben Taravari.

The representative from the EU Delegation in Skopje, Marie-Madeleine Kanellopoulou, emphasized that it is important for national authorities to provide staff and resources to implement the recommendations arising from the project. 

– It is important to have people who will ensure the implementation of the recommendations in accordance with the best medical practices. I would like to remind you that in the latest European Commission Report it is mentioned that North Macedonia is moderately prepared in the field of healthcare and moderate progress has been made in cancer screening. It is also mentioned that funding is significantly below the European average, as is the number of specialists. Therefore, specialist medical services are needed, said Kanellopoulou, adding that insufficient staff is “too big a gap to ensure effective access to healthcare.” (January 27)