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Vienna – Austrian FPÖ MEP Harald Vilimsky has faced harsh criticism from ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens, and NEOS for his statements glorifying violence against top female EU politicians. “Such statements have no place in a democratic society and are absolutely unacceptable,” emphasized Women’s Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) on Thursday. The SPÖ demanded “immediate consequences,” the Greens accused Vilimsky of “fearing strong women,” and NEOS called him a “pathetic wimp.”

“Harald Vilimsky’s statements are not only insulting and misogynistic but also glorify violence against women,” emphasized Raab in a statement sent to APA. Referring to European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, ECB President Christine Lagarde, and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Vilimsky spoke at a press conference of a “political witch trio” leading “this continent to the abyss, and we will let them feel the whip.”

For the head of the ÖVP delegation in the European Parliament, Reinhold Lopatka, Vilimsky is “untenable” after his statements. “He should actually resign immediately of his own accord,” said Lopatka. “I am shocked and appalled,” commented SPÖ Deputy Chair Eva-Maria Holzleitner on Vilimsky’s statements in a broadcast. “Statements like these are reminiscent of the dark Middle Ages and are unworthy of a democratic discussion,” emphasized the SPÖ Women’s Chair.

“Harald Vilimsky is a sexist who fears strong women,” stated Green Vice Club Chair Meri Disoski. She accused the winner of the European elections in Austria of downplaying violence against women. NEOS women’s spokesperson Henrike Brandstötter spoke up. “Vilimsky is a sexist and a pathetic wimp. Thanks for your attention,” wrote the National Council member on X on Thursday. (07/18/2024)