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The Commission today issued a positive preliminary assessment of Greece’s request for an amount of 3.13 billion euros under the Recovery Fund (NextGenerationEU).

This payment marks the fifth installment of Greece’s recovery and resilience plan. The Commission’s preliminary assessment confirms that Greece has met the required milestones and targets for this particular payment, funded under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) of NextGenerationEU.

This request follows 14 reforms, such as acceleration of justice, improvement of VAT returns, enhancement of public procurement efficiency, expansion of broadband connection, improvement of waste and water management, and increase in mental health facilities. It also includes 17 investments in affordable and energy-efficient housing, electricity networks, urban regeneration, green industry facilities, reforestation and firefighting, as well as sewage projects.

The flagship measures in the current payment request include the upgrade of Greece’s electricity network and the simplification and digitization of the public sector.

The Commission forwarded its preliminary assessment to the Economic and Financial Committee, which has four weeks to deliver an opinion. If the opinion is positive, the Commission will issue a payment decision to disburse 3.13 billion euros to Greece. (19/3/2025)