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Brussels – The action plan for affordable energy presented by the European Commission at the end of February is a step in the right direction, said Slovenian Minister Bojan Kumer before the EU energy ministers’ meeting. Slovenia strives for more concrete measures at the EU level, as well as for more freedom for member states to reduce administrative costs for businesses and households.

One of the plan’s measures provides for the preparation of new guidelines on the calculation of costs for the use of the network. Kumer emphasized that the change in the methodology for calculating the network fee will have to be gradual. At the same time, he says it is necessary to ensure that those who invest in clean technologies are not overlooked, and those who have not yet made the so-called clean transition should be sent the right signal.

As European Energy Commissioner Dan Joergensen said upon arrival at the meeting, the plan for affordable energy is also related to the plan for complete independence from Russian fossil fuels, which the Commission will present very soon.

Kumer emphasized that “the future is certainly not in fossil fuels”. Europe will have to work more on diversifying energy sources, on its own sources, and especially on competitiveness, he stated.

Regarding the reliability of the USA under the leadership of Donald Trump as a supplier of energy, he said it is necessary to wait to see in which direction US policy will go in the next few years, especially in the field of energy.

“I believe that the energy ministers within the European Union will adopt a unified position. Of course, every energy minister has to address the specificities that their country has,” said the Slovenian minister for energy, climate, and environment. (March 17)