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Brussels – The European Commission (EC) has no evidence that Slovakia is considering leaving the European Union. This was stated by the chief spokesperson for the EC President Ursula von der Leyen, Paula Pinho, to TASR.

“There is indeed constructive and productive cooperation between the European Commission and the Slovak government. President von der Leyen and Prime Minister (Robert) Fico (Smer-SD) are in regular contact,” Pinho said. She added that the EC and Slovak authorities collaborate across the entire spectrum of matters.”

“Slovak citizens are part of the European Union’s identity,” the head spokesperson for the EC told TASR.

The discussion in Slovakia about the alleged plans of the government to withdraw SR from the EU arose after the vice-chairman of the National Council of SR Tibor Gašpar (Smer-SD) expressed disagreement in January with the opposition SaS’s proposal to enshrine SR’s membership in the EU and NATO in the constitution, explaining that both these organizations are evolving over time and, in an extreme case, it is necessary to be prepared for withdrawal. However, he emphasized that Smer-SD does not aim to leave the EU or NATO.

The opposition Progressive Slovakia responded to this by rejecting the idea of SR leaving the EU and NATO. “It confirms what we have warned against, the Prime Minister of SR Robert Fico is preparing the ground for Slovakia’s withdrawal from Europe,” the movement declared.

Fico subsequently reiterated that the current government has never taken nor will take any steps questioning SR’s membership in the EU and NATO.

At the beginning of this week, President Peter Pellegrini organized a round table discussion on the topic of SR’s foreign policy orientation. It was attended by the leaders of the coalition parties Smer-SD, Hlas-SD, SNS, and the opposition KDH. After the meeting, Pellegrini assured that none of the coalition leaders nor the chairman of the opposition KDH desire or are preparing the withdrawal of SR from the EU and NATO. Therefore, Pellegrini considers one of the main reasons for the current demonstrations in Slovakia to be irrelevant.

Protests in several cities in Slovakia, but also abroad against the policies of the SR government, named Slovakia is Europe, are also planned for Friday evening. (February 7)

“There is indeed constructive and productive cooperation between the European Commission and the Slovak government.” Paula Pinho