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Brussels – A criminal investigation is underway against Didier Reynders. The former Belgian minister was until last Saturday, the European Commissioner for Justice, and is alleged to have attempted to launder black money through games of the National Lottery.

The news of the investigation was released Tuesday evening by the French-language newspaper Le Soir and the investigative platform Follow the Money. The Brussels prosecutor-general’s office later confirmed the news.

For years, Reynders is said to have bought National Lottery tickets in order to see the winnings laundered back into his account. Belgian federal police detectives raided several addresses on Tuesday, including Reynders’ private residences. He was questioned late into the evening. It is not known if there are other suspects.

The European Commission says it was not aware of the case and had to learn of it through the media. A spokesperson explained that Reynders enjoys “functional” immunity for actions he has taken in his capacity as EU Commissioner, but the college of commissioners can lift that immunity if necessary.

