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Ljubljana – The government was informed on Friday about the positive opinion of the parliamentary committee for European Union affairs regarding the candidacy of Tomaž Vesel for commissioner and thus officially confirmed Vesel as the candidate for European commissioner from Slovenia. They can now send the proposal for his appointment to Brussels, the Prime Minister’s office reported.

Prime Minister Robert Golob is convinced that the commissioner candidate, with his experience and expertise, will significantly contribute to the successful work of the European Commission and represent Slovenia’s interests in the EU.

Former President of the Court of Auditors Vesel presented himself before the EU Affairs Committee in parliament on Thursday and received the support of coalition MPs, while MPs from the opposition SDS and NSi abstained from voting.

It is still unknown which portfolio Slovenia might get in the new commission. So far, Vesel has highlighted the areas of budget, administration, and EU enlargement as more desirable. In his presentation in parliament, he also emphasized that there is no insignificant portfolio in the European Commission, but the latter faces great challenges that can be solved with compromises.

Member states have until August 30 to submit the names of commissioner candidates, while European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is expected to start talks with candidates in mid-month.

Slovenia, which has been an EU member since May 1, 2004, has so far been assigned various portfolios in the European Commission. In the first few months after joining the EU, the European commissioner from Slovenia Janez Potočnik led the portfolio for EU enlargement, later serving as commissioner leading the portfolio for science and research, and then the portfolio for environment. Violeta Bulc became the European Commissioner for Transport in 2014, and in the current mandate Janez Lenarčič holds the portfolio for crisis management. (August 9)