What is the European Newsroom exactly? How does it work on a day-to-day basis? How exactly do the participating agencies collaborate? These and many more questions were raised by MEPs and their staff during their visit to the European Newsroom in Brussels. 

As a collaborative journalistic project, the European Newsroom brings together nearly 20 news agencies across Europe. The enr representatives detailed the processes of editorial exchange, the collaborative development of stories and the search for topics of EU-wide significance. Apart from the editorial collaboration, the enr team explained how the collaboration does not end there but how joint interview requests with top politicians and the sharing of press briefings can improve journalism. In addition, the enr staff touched on the topic of educational trainings as the enr offers workshops on fact checking and mobile journalism for its members. 

MEP Sabine Verheyen and MEP Marion Walsmann were among the visitors to the enr. They were joined by staff from the offices of MEP Christian Ehler, MEP Angelika Niebler, MEP Rainer Wieland, MEP Hildegard Bentele as well as staff from the CDU/CSU press office in the European Parliament. The European Newsroom was represented by Christiane Düsterfeld (dpa), Ivonne Marschall (dpa) as well as the managing editors of the enr Victoria Becker and Ivana Drmić.

Find out more about the participating agencies and the work of the enr here. The editorial work can be found in the joint background articles, the Key Story,  and the EU news selection, the EU Digest

Editorial Managers in the enr Victoria Becker and Ivana Drmić talking to the EPP Group in the European Newsroom in the Residence Palace, 25 October 2023, Brussels.