On Thursday, November 21, a group of 12 journalists from 7 countries in sub-Saharan Africa visited the European Newsroom (enr) at its offices at Belga News Agency in Brussels.

The visit brought together journalists and media professionals from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Togo Senegal and Niger from various media organisations in the written press, radio and television.

What is the European Newsroom, how does it work with its 23 news agencies and what different media formats does it produce on a daily basis? These and other questions were explored during the visit. 

The exchange between the enr’s representatives – Victoria Becker and Tim Kohnen – and the visiting journalists led to a lively discussion about journalism at the heart of the EU and on how the enr aims to improve cooperation between its 23 news agencies from across Europe, working together on joint formats – such as its weekly Key Stories – and in many other ways, such as by organising joint interviews and workshops. 

The journalists also explained the context of journalism and journalistic practices in their own countries, creating mutual understanding and even initiating a brief brainstorming session on how journalists from Europe and Africa could potentially work together more.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the diplomatic service of the European Union, responsible for coordinating the EU’s foreign and security policy. Organising visits for journalists is part of its mission to provide first-hand insight into the workings of the EU, fostering informed dialogue and stronger international relations.

More impressions from the visit. Photos: Olga Magiera/European Newsroom