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Brussels – Support for the Czech proposal to limit the movement of Russian diplomats in the Schengen area is growing, according to Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský. The head of Czech diplomacy said this to reporters in Brussels today. The Czech Republic is striving to include the proposal in the upcoming sixteenth package of anti-Russian sanctions, and it has also been supported by Poland, which currently chairs the EU Council.

“A working breakfast on the sabotage perpetrated by Russia across Europe has just taken place and support for our proposal was expressed there, we are not alone in this, I think we are succeeding in strengthening our coalition,” said Lipavský. “I’m trying to get support from other countries. It’s about patient work and perseverance,” he added.

The European Union is now working on creating its sixteenth package of sanctions aimed against Russia, which launched an invasion of Ukraine nearly three years ago. What exactly will be included in the new package of restrictions is unclear, but according to Lipavský, the Polish presidency also supported the Czech proposal to limit the movement of Russian diplomats. Prague has been advocating this proposal for more than a year now, according to the head of Czech diplomacy, it could be one of the ways to defend against hybrid attacks from Moscow.

Union ministers are also discussing extending economic sanctions against Russia today. “I believe that the political negotiations will be successful, there are certain signals that it might work,” said Lipavský. (January 27)