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This article has been translated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The news agency is not responsible for the content of the translated article. The original was published by AFP.

Paris – France continues to seek a “blocking minority” within the European Union on the free trade agreement with South American countries of Mercosur, said President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday, before the opening of the 61st agricultural fair in Paris.

Paris opposes this agreement, considering that the South American bloc must respect the standards in force in the EU to avoid unfair competition. 

Intended to liberalize trade with five Latin American countries, this trade agreement was signed on December 6, 2024, but still needs to be ratified before it comes into effect. 

“It’s a bad text as it was signed. And so we will do everything to prevent it from going its way, to protect this French and European food sovereignty,” insisted the President.

He assured to continue seeking a “blocking minority” within the EU.

To be ratified, this free trade agreement must gain the approval of at least 15 member states representing 65% of the EU population, then gather a majority in the European Parliament. (February 22, 2025)