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Brussels – The EU member states’ agriculture ministers exchanged views on agriculture and food policy and the future of the common fisheries policy in Brussels on Monday. Slovenian Minister Mateja Čalušić highlighted the need for a simpler, predictable, and stable common agricultural policy. She also met with the Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, Christoph Hansen, on the sidelines of the meeting.

In the discussion of agriculture ministers, Čalušič advocated for a predictable and stable common agricultural policy with appropriate funding to achieve the goals. She also highlighted the importance of equal conditions for European producers, including the upgrading of animal welfare standards and the restriction of hazardous pesticide use.

She emphasized the crucial importance of direct payments, which must be more targeted, especially at young farmers and small and medium-sized farms, while continuing to support farms in areas with natural constraints, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food reported.

She particularly emphasized the need for technological investments, strengthening innovation, and improving the transfer of research into practice, which will enhance the sector’s resilience and competitiveness. She also highlighted the importance of developing the food environment and raising consumer awareness of sustainably produced food. In the introduction of new technologies, such as new genomic techniques, Slovenia advocates a precautionary approach and clear labeling of products for informed consumer choice.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Čalušič met with Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Hansen. She presented him with the preparation of Slovenia’s vision for agriculture and a look forward to the new programming period after 2027. (March 24)