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BRUSSELS – Most Bulgarians believe that the EU should have a larger role in crisis actions, according to data from a “Eurobarometer” survey presented by the European Commission. According to 37 percent of respondents in Bulgaria, the EU must have a larger role in crisis preparation, and 48 percent are inclined to agree with such an approach.

For 31 percent of Bulgarians (27 percent of others in the EU), it is necessary for the EU to supplement the efforts of national authorities to provide information during crises and guidelines for citizen actions in such situations. According to 51 percentin Bulgaria(52 percent in the EU), it would be good if the EU has a supplementary role.

For 29 percent of Bulgarians (24 percent in the EU), the work of national security experts should be supported by European crisis specialists. This opinion is somewhat supported by 48 percent in Bulgaria and 54 percent of others in the EU.

Nearly 80 percent believe that in case of crises, cross-border cooperation is necessary, including for foreseeing emergencies and dealing with their consequences. Only 10 percentof Bulgariansand 13 percent in the rest of the EU state that they are unaware of European involvement in counteracting threats to public health, natural disasters, and conflicts like the war in Ukraine.

Data from a Eurobarometer survey last December showed that most Bulgarians are satisfied with Bulgaria’s belonging to the EU and see benefits from it. According to 72 percent of EU citizens (57 percent of Bulgarians), their country benefits from being part of the Community. According to 61 percent in the EU (48 percent in Bulgaria), EU membership is something positive, 28 percent (38 percent in Bulgaria) are neutral on this issue, and 10 percent (12 percent in Bulgaria) have a negative opinion.

A month ago, a “Eurobarometer” survey recorded that most young Bulgarians (54 percent) will vote in the upcoming June 9 European Parliament elections. For comparison, an average of 64 percent of eligible young voters in the EU have expressed readiness to participate in the elections.

For 25 percent of Bulgarian and other European youths, the EU has a strong impact on daily life, and 42 percent in the EU and 46 percent in Bulgaria believe that this is somewhat the case. (June 3)