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Skopje – Without the adoption of constitutional amendments, the state’s access to the EU cannot be unblocked, said the Minister for European Affairs of North Macedonia, Orhan Murtezani, today when asked if he shares the opinion of Prime Minister Christian Mickoski and Foreign Minister Timcho Mutsunski on the postponed application of the constitutional amendments.

– I think that, as the Ambassador of the European Delegation and all the ambassadors from our strategic partners have pointed out on several occasions, this is a serious step, that is, a serious obstacle ahead of us that we need to undertake and strive to resolve as soon as possible. As you know, in the election campaign, I am speaking now as a coalition “Worth”, we emphasized that this is one of the key priorities, and it is also included in the Government’s Program as a priority, said Murtezani.

The head of Macedonian diplomacy Timcho Mutsunski recently stated that as a state we are ready to accept constitutional changes according to the Negotiating Framework, but they should come into force when the country joins the EU, thus providing a guarantee for us as a state that there will be no additional new conditions from Bulgaria on a bilateral basis on our way to the European Union. The Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Christian Mickoski, also stated that this is part of VMRO-DPMNE’s pre-election program and that as a people we have made too many concessions in the past. (July 30)