SOFIA – In Bulgaria, one of the six new European artificial intelligence (AI) factories will be built. This was announced by the Representation of the European Commission (EC) in Sofia.
The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking “EuroHPC” has chosen the other new factories to be in Austria, France, Germany, Poland, and Slovenia. Their construction will be supported by a total national and European investment of 485 million euros.
The Bulgarian artificial intelligence factory “Brain++” (BRAIN++) will be located in Sofia Tech Park and will consist of a next-generation supercomputer and an AI center providing a one-stop service for government, educational, and private enterprises. BRAIN++ will work with other AI factories across Europe and will promote ethical and responsible practices in the field, the statement said.
Sofia Tech Park added that Bulgaria wins a project, funded with 90 million euros in competition with some of the most developed countries, thanks to the joint work and achieved results with the Institute for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (INSAIT). The Bulgarian government has supported the project with a commitment to provide 50 percent national funding from 2026. The project’s implementation period is three years.
The INSAIT team is expected to contribute to the development of models for earth observation, robotics, large language models.
The Discoverer++ supercomputer will have systems for working with AI, specialized in robotics, satellite space observations, and applications for fast-moving consumer goods. In the Bulgarian center BRAIN++, the creation of a working space for a cloud-based environment for small and medium enterprises is planned, access to data arrays, and the organization of training programs for experts.
The emerging network of 13 European AI centers is expected to strengthen Europe’s leading position in the field of innovation and AI. The centers are intended to offer access to AI start-ups and small and medium enterprises, which will promote their growth. (March 12)