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Vienna – The right-wing parties from Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic that were victorious in the EU elections want to form a joint EU faction. This was announced by FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl on Sunday at a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš in Vienna. Further parties would join this “patriotic” alliance, said Kickl. Orbán said it would “soon be the largest faction of right-wing forces.”

Kickl described the alliance as a “booster rocket.” Orbán also announced that the faction would be “rocket-like.” Apparently, Orbán aims to surpass the currently larger right-wing faction ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists), which is the third strongest force in the EU Parliament with 83 members, behind the conservative EPP and the Social Democrats.

The FPÖ, Orbán’s national-conservative Fidesz, and Babiš’ liberal-populist party ANO had won the European elections three weeks ago in their countries. The three top politicians signed a “Patriotic Manifesto,” which is intended to be the basis of their cooperation. The leader of the FPÖ delegation in the EU Parliament, Harald Vilimsky, explained that the event in Vienna should be understood as “part one of a press conference.” He did not say when “part two” would take place in Brussels or Strasbourg at the media event where no journalists’ questions were possible. (30.06.2024)