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“Let’s conduct an evaluation of all legal texts, including those under the Green Deal. We should identify the problems and have the courage to change the rules that may lead to excessively high energy prices,” advocated Tusk.

For instance, the Polish Prime Minister wants serious consideration to be given to the rapid implementation of an emissions trading system for transport and buildings (ETS2). “I would like to warn you against this step,” said Tusk. “This could have a very adverse political impact if energy prices keep rising.”

ETS2 is part of the Green Deal, the large-scale program that the European Union has launched in recent years to make the continent climate neutral by 2050.

Tusk acknowledged that the environment and climate must be protected, but according to the Polish leader, Europe is in danger of losing the global competitive battle if energy prices here remain three times as expensive as in the US or China. “And if Europe goes bankrupt, who will protect the environment?”