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In the submission of a request for the inclusion of the new electric interconnection Greece – Italy (GR.ITA II) in the 2nd Union List of Projects of Mutual and Common Interest of the European Union (PCI/PMI), IPTO and the Italian System Operator (Terna) are jointly proceeding, within the framework of the presentation of the PCI/PMI candidate projects to be held in Brussels on March 20, 2025.

As announced, the energy project promoted by the two Operators is of strategic importance at the regional level and has already been included in the most recent ENTSO-E Ten-Year Network Development Plan. The inclusion of the interconnection in the PCI/PMI regime is particularly important as it will ensure the necessary permitting acceleration and the necessary community funding resources in order to be implemented.

The Greece-Italy interconnection concerns the development of a new submarine line (Thesprotia – Galatina), which will triple the electricity exchange margin from 500 MW today to 1,500 MW.

The project is expected to ensure the long-term convergence of electricity prices between Greece and Italy, strengthen the energy security of the two countries, and contribute to the further integration of the European electricity market.

The underwater part of the project is estimated at 240 km, while the underground parts in Greece and Italy at 55 km. The new electric interconnection will be direct current (HVDC) with a transmission capacity of 1,000 MW and voltage converter technology (Voltage Source Converters), which is also used in the innovative Crete-Attica electric interconnection project recently completed by IPTO.

The project budget for both countries is estimated at 1.85 billion euros and upon its finalization, it is expected to be included in the preliminary Ten-Year Development Program 2026-2035 of IPTO. It is noted that the two Operators are in the final stage of discussions for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the further maturation of the project. (18/3/2025)