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Brussels – Romania will undergo an in-depth review in 2025 to identify macroeconomic imbalances, alongside eight other member states, the European Commission announced in the Alert Mechanism Report, part of the European Semester autumn package addressing socioeconomic challenges of 2025, published on December 18.

“Regarding individual member states, we will conduct in-depth analyses again for the nine member states identified last spring as having imbalances or excessive imbalances. These are: Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, and Sweden,” said the Commissioner for Economy and Productivity, Valdis Dombrovskis. The conclusions will be presented next spring.

The Alert Mechanism Report serves as an instrument to identify potential macroeconomic imbalances that could impact the economies of member states or the EU as a whole. This detailed assessment is based on the analysis from March 2024 and the economic forecasts from the fall of the same year, providing a clear picture of Romania’s economic and fiscal vulnerabilities, which is particularly facing an excessive deficit.

The in-depth assessment in 2025 will serve as a basis for developing country-specific recommendations within the spring package of the European Semester. (18.12.2024)