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Bratislava – The ruling coalition must not gamble with the country’s security and sabotage the defense of the European Union (EU). This stems from the claims of the opposition party SaS at a Wednesday press conference. Party members criticize Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) for announcing his positions on vetoing decisions at the extraordinary EU summit on Thursday (March 6), even though the positions have not yet been approved by the parliamentary committee for European affairs, reports TASR.

MP for SaS and Vice-Chairperson of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (NR SR) Committee on European Affairs Vladimíra Marcinková called on coalition MPs in this context not to gamble with Slovakia’s security and to demand a guarantee from the Prime Minister on Thursday at the committee that he will not sabotage efforts to strengthen the EU militarily and also to assist Ukraine.

“According to the constitutional law, a government member must adhere to the position approved by the NR SR in EU negotiations,” reminded Marcinková to government coalition MPs.

MP Juraj Krúpa (SaS) believes that the Prime Minister should stop with the aggressive rhetoric towards allies in the EU and seek cooperation opportunities in matters of energy diversification and energy security, and not just rely on Russian imports, and also not be afraid to talk about increasing defense spending.

According to him, Slovakia should engage more in EU plans aimed at strengthening European defensibility.

“If Slovakia does not engage in these projects, EU funds will be redirected to active countries. It may happen that we will not have the finances, will not be beneficiaries, and that we might be forced to increase defense spending from our own resources,” explained Krúpa. He claims that if Slovakia does not engage in European initiatives, it risks losing relevance, security guarantees, and benefits from the EU. “Who will guarantee our security and defense? China or Putin?” the MP asks.

An extraordinary EU summit on supporting Ukraine and European defense will take place in Brussels on Thursday. It was convened to discuss how to respond to the drastic change in U.S. policy towards the war in Ukraine. The Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic disagrees with military or financial support for Ukraine. He proposes inserting an explicit demand in the conclusions of the EU summit for Ukraine to resume the transit of Russian or other gas through its territory to Slovakia and Europe. According to him, the refusal of the proposal from the Slovak Republic will significantly complicate the adoption of conclusions at the summit. According to Fico, it could happen that he blocks the adoption of conclusions related to financial and military aid to Ukraine. (March 5)

“If Slovakia does not engage in these projects, EU funds will be redirected to active countries. It may happen that we will not have the finances, will not be beneficiaries, and that we might be forced to increase defense spending from our own resources.” Juraj Krúpa