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Bratislava – The Slovak opposition wants to drag Slovakia and Europe into war. This was stated by coalition MP Tibor Gašpar (Smer-SD) after Thursday’s meeting of the Committee of the National Council (NR) SR for European Affairs. According to him, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) clearly declared at the committee with what positions he is going to the European Council summit and how he will defend Slovakia’s national interests.

“The way they assess the current political situation at the level of the European Union (EU) or the security situation in connection with the war in Ukraine clearly suggests that they, like many militant leaders of EU member states, want to continue this conflict, let many Ukrainians and Russians continue to be killed, instead of also trying to call for peace in their own voice,” Gašpar noted.

The deputy does not wish for the Ukrainian-Russian war to turn into a war between the European Union and the Russian Federation. He claims that there are countries interested in this, and Gašpar sees in it an attempt at a third world war. At the same time, he asks why EU, NATO, or some of the stronger EU countries’ leaders are not trying to convene a peace meeting involving Europe, Ukraine, and Russia.

“Why, alongside the negotiations conducted by US President Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, is the European Union not taking such an initiative? Where else can we demonstrate that we are an important player in geopolitics if not through such our own initiative, if we are interested in peace,” the deputy stated.

According to Gašpar, the Slovak Prime Minister is not isolated because he is negotiating with Trump’s administration, Russian President Putin, China, Turkey, and Brazil. He noted that Slovakia communicates smoothly with the NATO chief, and Fico is invited to all EU summits.

At the committee meeting, the Prime Minister acquainted the members with the positions of the SR with which he is departing for the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels. He considers the issue of resuming gas transit through Ukraine to Slovakia to be key, announced that if the conclusions of the summit contain a formulation about seeking a solution to resume this transit, he will not block them. He reiterated that Slovakia is against military aid to Ukraine and will not agree to a possible proposal for an immediate financial collection, but in the case of bilateral agreements, the SR will respect the will of other EU member countries. (March 6)

“Why, alongside the negotiations conducted by US President Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, is the European Union not taking such an initiative? Where else can we demonstrate that we are an important player in geopolitics if not through such our own initiative, if we are interested in peace,” Tibor Gašpar