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Brussels – Slovakia will prepare a detailed analysis of damages related to foot-and-mouth disease for the European Commission (EC) to subsequently request compensation. This was stated by the head of the Slovak agricultural department, Richard Takáč (Smer-SD), on Monday in Brussels, where the European Union (EU) Agriculture Council is meeting, reports the TASR correspondent.

The minister specified that as of Monday noon, it still held that three farms in southern Slovakia remained affected by the viral disease, discovered on Friday (March 21). He added that inspections are underway in the affected areas among breeders and farmers reporting suspicions related to the disease.

Takáč recalled that the EU Council discussions concerning this animal disease are scheduled for the evening program at the request of Hungary, which recorded this disease at the beginning of March.

“I have a meeting arranged with the Agriculture Commissioner, Christoph Hansen, to discuss this situation and the possibility of compensations from the EU,” he said. He will have another similar meeting with representatives of the EC’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) regarding veterinary issues and compensations.

According to him, the EC has assistance schemes and funds for compensations for farmers from member states, which it applies during climate crises or disease outbreaks. It was so during the African swine fever, avian flu, and it applies also to foot-and-mouth disease. Slovakia can obtain additional finances for this area from the ending previous programming period from programs for agriculture and rural development.

“There are many possibilities; it all depends on how accommodating the European Commission will be and how it wants to respond flexibly. I believe it will be as accommodating as possible. We are a single space, and this is an issue in several countries. We must stop it together,” he added.

The commission will provide compensation only after the final calculation of damages caused by the disease to farmers and the national economy. Takáč specified for TASR that the agricultural department currently estimates damages at around 10 million euros, concerning only the culled animals and milk losses.

“Ultimately, these will be losses of tens of millions of euros that will need to be compensated. An analysis of all measures we’ve taken, as well as the measures we’re implementing, plus all those damages and costs, is already being drawn up at the ministry. Of course, an analysis will be drawn up. The Eurocommission will not provide compensation without that,” noted the minister.

He confirmed that he also discussed this topic in Brussels with the Czech Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný. He inquired about the measures the Czech side is taking to prevent the disease from spreading to the Czech Republic. Takáč thanked Výborný for sending an expert unit to assist in the culling of infected animals and for promising further assistance. He pointed out that Hungary, Austria, and the Netherlands, among others, also provided help, and assistance from other EU countries is also being pledged. (March 24)

“Ultimately, these will be losses of tens of millions of euros that will need to be compensated. An analysis of all measures we’ve taken, as well as the measures we’re implementing, plus all those damages and costs, is already being drawn up at the ministry. Of course, an analysis will be drawn up. The Eurocommission will not provide compensation without that.” Richard Takáč