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Sarajevo (Fena) – In organization of the European Union Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the OSCE Mission to BiH, a conference was held in Sarajevo titled ”Journalist Safety: Challenges of Criminal-Legal Protection of Journalists and the Role of Contact Persons in Prosecutor’s Offices and Police Agencies”.

On this occasion, a website ( with contact details of designated contact persons for journalist safety in prosecutor’s offices and police agencies in BiH was presented.

Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Brian Aggeler thanked the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, the prosecutor’s offices, and law enforcement agencies across BiH, which have established contact points for journalist safety.

– Their efforts are crucial in supporting justice and ensuring accountability for those who threaten or harm journalists. I encourage media houses and journalists to utilize the network of contact points. The role of the media is to inform us, and it is of crucial importance and great value. We are grateful for the work they do – said Aggeler.

He announced that the OSCE Mission to BiH will continue to work on creating a safer and better environment for journalists who will be able to report freely and without fear.

Head of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative in BiH Johann Sattler made it very clear that ”the backbone of democracy is the freedom of the press and media, and these are not negotiable issues”.

– However, we have witnessed attempts in recent years to reduce, or rather narrow, the space for media activity and work, and this practice needs to stop. Especially now, in light of the positive decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with BiH, which is a positive signal that we now need to build upon – stated Sattler.

Among other things, he added, this implies intensifying activities, not only in the fight against corruption but also in freedom of expression and media freedom.

– Considering the importance that the European Union attaches to these topics, we provide significant investments. One example of such investments is within the network we have established with united efforts with the OSCE and HJPC of BiH, aimed at improving journalist safety. A way to achieve this goal is, among other things, through established contact points in various institutions, prosecutor’s offices, and the Ministry of Security – emphasized Sattler.

This is just the first step, he added, and there are plans for workshops with journalists as well as contact points to achieve more efficient work and improvements in this area. (8.7.)