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Trenčín – Slovakia, with the support of the European Union (EU), needs to be able to build apartments not only for low and middle-income earners but also for people who earn significantly more. Cities could thus support the retention of quality labor force. This was stated by the president of the Union of Towns of Slovakia Richard Rybníček after Thursday’s meeting with the Slovak Members of the European Parliament (EP).

“Housing support by the European Union should also be for people who come to our cities to work on projects such as in IT business, artificial intelligence, or in companies where one earns significantly more. These people need starter apartments. If the European Union supported this type of housing, it would be very good,” Rybníček added, noting that this topic is relevant for the future period in the European Union.

According to the Vice-Chairwoman of the EP Committee on Regional Development, Ľubica Karvašová (PS), a revision of the cohesion policy of the ongoing programming period is being prepared at the European level and one of the topics will be rental housing.

“Within the revision of EU funds, changes in priorities will occur, we expect that the European Commission will include the topic of housing in the revision of EU funds, and the Commission will come with a proposal to increase financial resources specifically in the field of housing. This is a Europe-wide topic, and cities and towns know best what their needs are, also in the area of housing,” emphasized Karvašová.

As she added, it is the cities that should decide what types of apartments they will provide – whether starter apartments for the younger generation or another type of apartments.

“At the European level, we are trying to ensure that cities and regions have direct access to European resources. In every area, including housing, it is shown that we need local solutions,” added Karvašová. (27 February)