Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
EU Commissioner Andrius Kubilius in Berlin
Berlinmeets with Mr Tobias Lindner, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany; meets with Mr Boris Pistorius, Minister for Defence of Germany.
EU Parliament Plenary session
European Parliament Strasbourg , Belgienagenda livestream february 10, 17:00 - 22:00 february 11, 09:00 - 22:00 february 12, 09:00 - 22:00 february 13, 09:00 - 16:00
College of EU Commissioners
Strasbourg , Francepress conference live (february 12)
EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi in Paris
Paris , Francemeets with Ms Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Ecological Transition, Biodiversity, Forest, Sea and Fishing of France; meets with Ms Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labour, Health, Solidarities and Families of France.
EU Commissioner Christophe Hansen in France
Strasbourg , Francemeets Mr Sven Schulze, Minister of Agriculture of Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany; meets Mr Till Backhaus, Minister of Agriculture of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen meet Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Brusselstogether with President of the European Council António Costa.
EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi in the Netherlands
Netherlandsvisits the European Medicines Agency premises in Amsterdam; meets with Mr Jean Rummenie, Minister for Fishery, Food Security, Horticulture and Nature Conservation of the Netherlands, in The Hague; meets with […]
Round Table ‘The European Union at a Crossroads: Main Challenges and Impact on Croatia’
Zagreb , Croatie (Nom local : Hrvatska)event in Croatian programme
NATO defence ministers meet
Brusselslivestream available
EU Commission Vice-President Stéphane Séjourné in France
Flamanville , Francevisits the Centre Nucléaire de Production d'Électricite (CNPE) de Flamanville.
EU Commission Vice-President Raffaele Fitto in Athens
Athens , Greecemeets with Μr Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece; meets with Mr Nikos Papathanasis: Alternate Minister of Economy and Finance of Greece (february 13); meets with Mr Christos Stylianides, Minister […]