Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
EU Commissioner Kadri Simson meets several European Energy ministers
Brusselsmeets Hungarian Minister of Energy Csaba Lantos meets Portuguese Minister of Energy Graça Carvalho
NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs Informal Meeting
Informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs will be held in Prague, Czechia, on 30-31 May 2024. Chair: NATO Secretary General […]
EU Foreign Affairs Council (Trade)
BrusselsMinisters will discuss: trade and competitiveness and the future of EU trade policy, the state of play of trade and investment relations between the EU and Africa, the follow up […]
European Economic and Social Committee Plenary session
Brusselsagenda livestream
EU Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas in Greece
Thessaloniki , Greeceparticipates in the event ‘What Europe do we want' organised by ELIAMEP
Presidential Election in Iceland
IcelandEU Commissioner Johannes Hahn in Austria
Vienna , Austriaparticipates in the ‘Staatsmeisterschaft Schüler:innen debattieren' event.
EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira in Germany
Germanydelivers a speech at the Bundestag EU Affairs Committee followed by a press statement; meets with Mr Robert Habeck, Vice-chancellor and Minister of Economy of Germany (june 3, Berlin) visits […]
EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi participates in 3rd High Level Political Forum in Sarajevo
Sarajevo , Bosnia and HerzegovinaEU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova in Belgium
Namur , Belgiumdelivers a keynote speech at the flagship conference Indtech2024: ‘Science and Innovation to empower EU industrial resilience and economic security'; delivers a video message at the event ‘Beyond Borders and […]
EU Commissioner Thierry Breton in Paris
Paris , Franceparticipates in a hearing of the Defense Committee of the National Assembly of France.