Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira in Naples
Naples , Italymeets Italian Minister for Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano meets President of Campania Region Vincenzo de Luca
Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov visits Germany
BerlinMeets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
EU Industry Days
Málaga , Espagneprogramme EU Commissioners Thierry Breton and Nicolas Schmit participate
EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira in Palermo
Palermo , Italyvisits the Ismett - Mediterraneo Transplant Institute Project; meets with Mr Renato Schifani, President of the Sicilia Region; visits the Capela Palatinaand the Politeama ring railway site with Mr Renato Schifani, President of the Sicilia Region
Meeting of the European Political Community
Granada , Spainprogramme opening plenary session (12:30) and press conference (15:00) live EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU Parliament President Roberta Metsola participate
Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government
Granada , Spainvideos and press conference live (14:45)
EU Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis in Slovakia
Slovakiaparticipates in the site visit of Dobrá Terminal with Pavol Lančaričat, Minister of Transport of Slovakia, and the border of Slovakia with Ukraine at the Čierna nad Tisou transhipment station; participates in the 2023 Tatra Summit, in Šrbské Pleso
EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira in Taranto
Taranto , Italymeets with Mr Michele Emiliano, President of Apulia Region; meets with Mr Rinaldo Melucci, Mayor of Taranto; visits Areas of intervention of the JTF; participates in a Stakeholders dialogue on the strategy and implementation of the JTF in Taranto
2023 Tatra Summit
Šrbské Pleso , Slovakia (Slovak Republic)agenda
Trilateral meeting of Prime Ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania
Varna , BulgariaEU Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas participates EU Commissioner Adina Vălean participates; meets Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel