
Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.

EU Commission Vice-President Margrethe Vestager in Copenhagen

Copenhagen , Denmark

delivers a keynote speech at the Danish Chamber of Commerce/Dansk Erhverv (may 1) participates in an all staff meeting on ‘AI and the EU' at Danmarks Radio (may 2) delivers a keynote speech at the Danish Food and Agriculture Council (Landbrug & Fødevarer F.m.b.A.); meets with the European Affairs Committee at the Danish Parliament; in […]

EU Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič in Bratislava

Bratislava , Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

participates in the gala event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovakia's accession to the EU (may 1) delivers a speech at the event on ‘20 years of Slovakia's membership in the EU – challenges and opportunities', organised by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (may 2)

EU Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica in Spain

Barcelona , Spain

participates in the round table discussions with finalists of the ‘Innovation in Politics Awards', organised by the Innovation in Politic Institute delivers a keynote speech and participates in the ‘Innovation in Politics Awards' ceremony

EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira in Hungary


may 2 visits Cohesion funded projects in Tarnabod Village and Mátra Power Plant (in Tarnabod); holds meetings with local representatives and stakeholders (in Tarnabod) meets Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development of Hungary (in Budapest) may 3 meets with Mr János Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs of Hungary (in Budapest); meets […]