Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
EASA Annual Safety Conference 2023
Sevilla , SpainCollege of EU Commissioners
Brusselspress conference live
Science meets regions final event
BrusselsEU Commissioner Thierry Breton in Paris
Paris , Franceparticipates in the forum “Roadmaps to new nuclear” and the IEA Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Summit
Informal ministerial meeting of the EU General Affairs Council
Murcia , Spainagenda videos and press conference live (september 28, 14:30) videos and press conference live (september 29, 12:45)
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council
Brusselsprovisional agenda livestream public session (11:40) press conference
IEA-ECB-EIB Conference on Ensuring an Orderly Energy Transition
Paris , Francehosted by European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde, European Investment Bank (EIB) President Werner Hoyer and International Energy Agency (IEA) Executive Director Fatih Birol
European Writers’ Meeting
Budapestpanel discussions with the guest writers of the Budapest International Book Festival – European stories in Hungarian
Public debate “International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day”
BrusselsEvent will be held in Englisch and French.
International Climate and Energy Summit
Madrid , Spainadditional information EU Commissioner Kadri Simson participates at the official Dinner (1.10.)