Disclaimer: The dates are an editorial selection by the enr agencies. All dates are researched and updated with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the correctness.
19th Salzburg Europe Summit
Salzburg , Austriaagenda livestream keynote speeches by Austrian Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (september 24, 15:00) and EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn (september 25, 10:30)
EU Commissioner Nicolas Schmit in the Netherlands
Netherlandsvisits a school for practical education for vulnerable young people in Rotterdam which is co-financed by ESF+; participates in an Expert Meeting of trade union FNV on the implementation of the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages, in The Hague; meets with Ms Karien van Gennip, Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, in Amsterdam
IRENA Innovation Week 2023
Bonn , Germanytopic: Renewable solutions to decarbonice end-use sectors programme EU Commissioner Kadri Simson participates in a high-level dialogue (september 25, 10:00)
EU Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry)
Brusselsprovisional agenda livestream public session (09:45) press conference (16:20)
Event “The Council closer to you”
Murcia , Spainin Spanish
EU Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
European Parliament Brussels , Belgiumlivestream
European Congress on Organic Production
Córdoba , SpainInformal meeting of EU culture ministers
Cáceres , Spainagenda videos and press conference live (14:00)
European Health Forum Gastein
Bad Gastein , Austriaprogramme Austrian Federal Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Bulgarian Minister of Health Hristo Hinkov and EU Commissioner Stella Kyriakides participate