Does the internet video really show an attack on Kyiv airport? Is that really the Instagram account of the Russian foreign minister? And how to can I find deleted tweets on the web? The program, organized by AFP, included tricks for verifying pictures, videos and social media accounts. In addition to the basics of fact-checking, participants learned the latest methods in fact-checking and can now check whether a photo really shows what it suggests, or whether a social media account is real or fake.
Correspondents from the Italian ANSA, the Belgium Belga, the Croatian HINA, EFE from Spain and the Romanian AGERPRES explored these questions together with AFP’s fact checker Alexis Orsini in a workshop. For this purpose, they met in mid-February in the European Newsroom in Brussels. In a second session, colleagues who could not be on-site attended the online workshop. There were journalists from Romania’s AGERPRES, North Macedonia’s MIA, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s FENA, Slovenia’s STA and Bulgaria’s BTA as well as the Spanish Europa Press.