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EU-wide/Brussels – Many human rights violations at the EU’s external borders are not adequately sanctioned. This is criticized by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), based in Vienna, in a report published on Tuesday. The agency looked at fundamental rights violations against migrants and refugees from 2020 to 2023 – including neglect of aid to people in need and mistreatment.

Victims often do not file complaints because they do not trust the authorities, fear consequences, or are unfamiliar with the procedures. Investigations are often not conducted independently and thoroughly enough. They also often take too long. Furthermore, evidence is often lacking, especially in cases of rights violations in remote areas or at night.

“Europe has an obligation to treat everyone at the borders fairly, respectfully and in full compliance with human rights laws. This requires effective and legally compliant border management practices, supported by solid and independent investigations of all incidents,” FRA Director Sirpa Rautio is quoted in a statement.

The EU Agency now hopes for improvements through the recently adopted EU Asylum and Migration Pact. This obliges EU member states, among other things, to investigate reports of human rights violations at the borders. The FRA urges the authorities to have reported cases investigated by independent bodies and to regularly publish figures on disciplinary and criminal proceedings, including their outcomes. (30.07.2024)