Photo of EU leaders, Zelensky in front of nude statue is doctored

Photo of EU leaders, Zelensky in front of nude statue is doctored

A doctored photo began circulating on social media in multiple languages in the spring of 2023. It purported to show European Council President Charles Michel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in front of a grey statue with breasts and male genitalia. In fact, the image was altered to superimpose the leaders – from a photo taken in Kyiv in 2023 – against the nude statue found in The Hague. 

Less is more in foreign policy: unanimity hanging by a thread?

Less is more in foreign policy: unanimity hanging by a thread?

A group of ten EU member states launched a fresh drive to reform the bloc’s approach to decision-making on foreign and security policy after years of infighting over the issue. While the reform would favour France and Germany, the EU’s two most populous nations, previous attempts to change the system have proved divisive.